GIA Peer Review in Kalundborg
On October 1 and 2, 2024, Kalundborg Symbiosis welcomed the transnational work group as part of the Green Industrial Areas (GIA) project for an insightful
On October 1 and 2, 2024, Kalundborg Symbiosis welcomed the transnational work group as part of the Green Industrial Areas (GIA) project for an insightful
Ligesom de øvrige partnerne i Kalundborg Symbiose, er Schultz Shipping engageret i bæredygtighed, og deres medlemskab vil skabe nye samarbejdsmuligheder i det lokale partnerskab.
New associated member, APM Terminals, has entered the unique partnership bringing innovation and global expertise to the partnership. Now, Kalundborg Symbiosis counts 17 active members, working closely together to optimize resource consumption.
Den canadiske virksomhed COMET indviede verdens første produktionsanlæg til udvinding af en særlig type kostfibre fra hvedehalm i Kalundborg
Two new associated members, COMET and Intertek, have entered the unique partnership where the residue in one company becomes a resource in another. Michael Hallgren,
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Denmark er indtrådt som et nyt medlem i Kalundborg Symbiose, helt i tråd med foreningens strategi om at udvide og styrke